Compliantly Collect
First Party Data on
Empower Compliance with Data Privacy Laws Worldwide. Purple's Captive Portal Offers Unmatched Flexibility for Implementing Necessary Conditions, Opt-In or Opt-Out Choices, and Custom Data Fields to Meet Global Data Protection Requirements
Data & Data Security
Data in Transit
All public portals and websites use TLS encryption.
TLS 1.2 minimum supported.
Regular review of TLS ciphers.
DNS Data
Collects domain lookup data via WebTitan.
Logged against venue's IP.
Not traceable to individual users.
Real-time data export triggers.
HTTPS POST to user-defined endpoint.
Data Sovereignty
Data stored in three GCP locations.
Compliant with regional data storage laws.
Data Reset
Hosted on Google Cloud (GCP) or Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Data disks encrypted (AES-256).
Location-Based Services
Passive collection of device data.
MAC address, RSSI, date/time recorded.
Location coordinates with right hardware.
Personal Identifiable Information
Data varies by configuration.
Encrypted and stored in three locations.
PII data retention of 13 months of inactivity.
Data Retention
User data anonymized after 13 months of inactivity.
Non-identifiable information retained.
Raw data discarded sooner if needed.
Data Protection
Compliant with EU's GDPR.
Clear data purposes and rights in EULA and privacy policy.
Separate active opt-in for EU marketing consents.
Users can view, modify, or delete data.
Purple Data Protection Officer for queries.
Third-party integrations for CRM data.
Connector connection/session data encrypted.
No handling or storing of financial data.
Payments via Stripe, PCI-DSS compliant.
Data Storage and Backup
Databases replicated with real-time backups.
Captive Portal
Stores device MAC, user agent, AP MAC.
User data stored based on login method.
Data secured via TLS in transit.
RADIUS accounting for network metrics.​
RESTful API for extracting user data.
Encrypted with HTTPS, requests signed.
ISO Compliance
ISO 9001 for business practice.
ISO 27001 for data security.
Audited annually.
Data Ownership/
Customers share data ownership.
Joint Controller with Purple & Flow.
Data treated per local legislation.
Application Components
Captive Portal
Configurable splash page.
T&Cs acceptance required.
OAuth access via social media.
Location/Presence Data Collection
Collects MAC addresses and RSSI.
Coordinates with the right hardware.
Location data linked to WiFi users.
Customer Portal
User account hierarchy.
Password policies and rotation.
Secure access control.
Authentication required for all traffic.
One-time password for security.
Personnel Management,
Procedures, and Policies
Staff Access
Limited access to key staff.
Contractors strictly prohibited from live data.
Incident Response
Security Incident Reporting Policy.
Data protection contacts notified.
Clear staff termination procedure.
Development and Testing
Secure development policy.
Code review, testing, and QA.
Weekly deployments for maintenance.
Large releases on a quarterly basis.
Threat Management
Monthly automated tests.
Weekly software patches.
Third-party penetration test annually.